
Yidan Kim
Blended scented botanical powder (loose incense), ash, water, chalk flint stone, sand, plexiglass, stainless steel, mild steel
Floor installation: 10cm(h) x 150cm(w) x 150cm(d), Suspended part: 200cm(h) x 200cm(w) x 150cm(d)

FLUID is a work of flowing air sculpture /gas sculpture created by scent which is intangible and invisible.

(Carefully blended) Solid incense burns and transforms into a gaseous state, flowing through pipes and ultimately attaching to the surface of water or being absorbed into it, transitioning into a liquid state. 

This work aims to capture the transition of the substance, allowing the audience to sense this gentle transformation slowly and have a meditative experience.

Generally, ash signifies death or an end, while water signifies life. In this work, paradoxically, the incense is born from ash, flows in a circle of life, and meets its death in water, creating a reversed, paradoxical landscape of strange beauty. 

The mirror of the afterlife reflects the life of this single cycle and illuminates the landscape flowing through the twists and turns of life.

Original Video : Xiangyin Tom Gu, Yidan Kim
Video editing : Yidan Kim